Affiliate Marketing Monetization

Join our Affiliate Program, get 50% in commission

Join our Affiliate Program, get 50% in commissions

For 4 years we successfully have run an affiliate program for select B2B companies, music industry partners, and influencers with our best-in-class, instant audio mastering service CloudBounce. Now the same program, and benefits are open for all BounceCast users too.

  1. Partner companies include big industry players like Focusrite and CDBaby.
  2. To assist creative people in this new global situation, we made a move to open the program for everyone interested.
  3. We ramped the commission from previous 25% to 50%, bringing it up to par with the best offerings in the marketplace.
  4. one partner made their first $500 in sales within the first 72 hours, with 1 video post

Read the instructions below, take note and start earning today!

What is affiliate marketing?

Affiliate marketing refers to performance-based marketing that allows a person (the affiliate) to promote the goods or services of a business or company. This company then rewards the affiliate for each new customer brought in via the affiliate’s own promotional efforts. The reward is called a commission and is typically calculated as a percentage value of the actual sale amount. The affiliate can freely choose the marketing methods, used to generate these sales. 

We increased commissions to 50%

To help out, we opened our affiliate program for everyone so that they can find a way to stay afloat financially and find alternative sources of income, reel back the lost time and find new ways to earn by working from home. To help you get results fast, we doubled our commission from 25% to 50%It’s insane, we know, but totally necessary in these difficult times!

Am I eligible to join?

You can join the CloudBounce affiliate program if you have access to a laptop and an internet connection. You also need an affiliate ID for promotion (you’ll get the ID when you signup). If you are marketing-minded, sizzling with ideas, and already equipped with existing social channels, that’s ideal. If you don’t, no need to worry. You can still join this social distancing party! 

How do I get started?

It only takes 1 minute to start. Simply signup here: will also get a 10 $ sign-up bonus. Your welcome.) Read and accept the terms and conditions first, then continue to fill all required account details. Then, hit the Create My Account –button. Once done, you’ll receive simple instructions via email. We’ll guide you to start making money with your unique affiliate ID link – immediately (in that sense this is the most important thing to get right). From every new sale you bring, you earn 50% commission into your affiliate account.

After you are ready with the signup and account creation just go crazy. You can start for example with:

  1. Write a review or a blog post.
  2. Make a YouTube or any other kind of video.
  3. Record a Podcast.
  4. Post a write-up to music forum or websites including your affiliate ID link.
  5. Do anything else you feel provides value for the audience.

You can utilise the affiliate program to promote for both our music mastering service CloudBounce, and/or our new podcast & video audio recording & mastering app BounceCast. Pick and choose, or use both!

You know what time it is? It’s time to make money! 


Co-founder, CEO

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